2 visninger
Lukker 04/02-2025 09:11:00
- Kun 4600 timer. - Venstre foraksel er nyrenoveret. Volvo A25 G - Kun 4600 timer / Only 4600 hours!
BUDT 1010500,- DKK
Afhentes: Zone 3 Sønderjylland (via Google Maps)
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Andre interessante genstande
1 bt. Puligny Montrachet 1. Cru “Les Pucelles”, Domaine Leflaive 2021 A (hf/in).
3 visninger
BUDT 1900,- DKK
Samling af diverse dansk og udenlandsk møntlitteratur, inkl. festskrifter, Sømod, Kaaber, Jørgen Steen Jensen, Amagerlands Numismatiske Forenings 40 års jubilæum, Hikuin 11, Auk. kataloger, Hede I, II, III, Kaaber og Lerche, i alt 58 stk.
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BUDT 250,- DKK
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BUDT 11500,- DKK
Slik automat/kran + 4 stk legetøj, ubrugt
Erindringsmønter, 1888, 1906, 1923 (2 stk.), 1930 (2), 1945, 1964 (2), 1967, 1968 (2), 1972, Christian IV, 2 skilling 1625, H 134A, Glückstadt, 2 skilling lybsk, H 168, Sieg 167.1, i alt 15 stk.
BUDT 750,- DKK
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BUDT 3000,- DKK
Tahitiperle- og diamantring af 14 kt. guld prydet med tahitiperle flankeret af talrige brillantslebne diamanter. Perlediam. ca. 10,5 mm. Vægt ca. 9 g. Str. 57.
1 visning
BUDT 2400,- DKK
1 bt. Champagne “Blanc de Blancs”, Deutz 1996 A-A/B (bn). This lot is part of an exclusive collection of Champagne sourced from a Scandinavian manor house. The natural cellar dated back to the 15th century, with natural high humidity and constant low temperature, which explains the excellent condition of the bottles considering their age.
BUDT 850,- DKK
Royal Swiss knivsæt, 10 dele. Ubrugt og i original taske. + MOMS
BUDT 100,- DKK
Se flere billeder og informationer - samt andre auktioner hos www.fymasauctions.dk O&K O&K V40
BUDT 12000,- DKK
Svejsebord 201 x 95 cm + Skruestik med 120 mm kæbebredde
BUDT 800,- DKK
1 bt. Champagne “Dry Monopole Brut”, Heidsieck & Co 1955 A/B (ts). This lot is part of an exclusive collection of Champagne sourced from a Scandinavian manor house. The natural cellar dated back to the 15th century, with natural high humidity and constant low temperature, which explains the excellent condition of the bottles considering their age.
BUDT 1500,- DKK